Welcome to Browns Ski Shop's Blog page, we live and breathe skiing and snowboarding, and we are going to be keeping you up to date with all the latest conditions on the slopes

Friday, June 11, 2010

I heart Remarks!

The season has been underway for less than a week, with Coronet Peak opening last weekend. Remarks is due to open in another week. A couple of weeks ago I would have never thought we would be skiing fresh, light deep powder up Remarks, what with there being pretty much no snow on any of the mountains in the Southern Lakes. But never count mother nature out and we have seen consistent storm fronts hitting the southern lakes over the last two weeks, and it has seen the mountains getting caked in the white stuff!
A few of us backcountry happy people at Browns went for a mission up the Remarkables a few days ago, and we got a very pleasant surprise! Not only were we greeted with an inversion layer (we were sitting above the cloud) but there had been 30cm fresh snow over the last 24 hours!
So we strapped on our tranceivers, put our skins and snow shoes on, had a quick chat to ski patrol and headed on up.
What followed was a couple of runs down the gallipoli chutes in the sugar bowl, and luckily for us I had my camera with me to document the days proceedings. Well the photos talk for themselves! What a day, pre-season powder goodness! I heart Remarks!

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